Wednesday 30 May 2018

You are Beautiful

I would like to start the blogpost with the following quote by Naomi Wolf :"The Beauty Myth-an obsession with physical perfection that traps the modern woman in an endless spiral of hopelessness, self-consciousness and self-hatred as she tries to fulfil society's impossible definition of flawless beauty."

can definitively identify myself with this quote, as I am in constant battle with how I look, compared to all the other seemingly beautiful women in the media. I am under constant pressure to look "good". Society tells us that having a perfect hourglass body shape is "beautiful"; Society also tells us that fuller lips are "beautiful"; Society tells us we are only "beautiful" with a full face of make up on; Society tells us we only look “beautiful” with long weaves.

I know many of us women struggle with this, especially with the pressure that comes with social media. We always want to look "snatched" and our confidence increases by the likes and compliments we receive. Or by the compliments/ attention we receive from men.
There was a time, when I would not leave my house without make up on.  I used to get anxiety if I stepped out of the house without make up on. I only felt beautiful with make up on. I did not want people to see my flaws.

When I started growing my natural hair, I always made sure that my hair was either braided or hidden under weaves. I did not feel confident leaving my house  with my natural hair, as society did not perceive it as beautiful and neither did I.
I would envy girls, who had "curvier body shapes" and be depressed about it. At times I even cried because of my dissatisfaction with my own body. I can honestly say that I hated my body. Sometimes I still struggle with it. Even to the point that I doubt that any man would find me desirable.  Even though God has put it in my heart that I will marry one day, my lack of self-confidence stops me from believing. Often times self-confidence issues holds us back from going after the things we desire because we do not feel  good enough.

However, I have been trying to be confident in my own skin, which at times has been difficult. But I have been reminding myself that I am fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). My value does not depend on my body shape, how much make up I wear or how my hair looks. My value is in Christ.

If you are reading this and you are struggling with self-confidence or self hatred remember:

You are UNIQUE
You are made in God’s IMAGE
 I would like to share some verses with you:

'You are altogether beautiful, my darling; there is no flaw in you.' (Solomon 4:7)
'She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.' (Proverbs 31:25)
'Your workmanship is marvelous – how well I know it.' (Psalm 139:13 – 14)
'For we are God’s masterpiece...' (Ephasians  2:10)
'God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day.' (Psalm 46:5)
'She is worth far more than rubies.' (Proverbs 31:10)

By knowing who you are in Christ, you can face the world without the pressure of trying to fit in today’s society’s definition of “beautiful”.  You are chosen, valuable, beautiful, unique and secure. We are all uniquely made and our uniqueness makes us beautiful. You were never created to be someone else other than yourself. ❤️
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