Sunday 11 September 2016

Confession of a Single Christian Woman

So I am going to be a bit vulnerable right now. Lately, I have been feeling very down. I hate feeling this way. God has been so faithful; there shouldn’t be anything I should feel sad about.

I have been single for over 5 years now. I decided to concentrate on myself and grow in my relationship with God. I have grown so much in the 5 years. In my opinion, during your singleness you can learn so much and get to know yourself as a person. 

Lately, I have been struggling with my singleness. A lot of people around me are getting married, having children. I am probably not the only one, but when I was younger I used to say that I will be married by 25 and have children by 26. Well, that’s not how it worked out.  I am 27 and single.

I’ve been getting silly thoughts like “You won’t ever have a life partner; you won’t get married before 30 etc.” I would literally feel fear when I had these thoughts and get very sad about it.  I would get very upset when I get comments like you will get married soon. My response to that is always, yeah whatever, as I “didn’t” see it happening any time soon. Or I would get comments like how are you going to meet anyone, if you only stay at home. (These comments used make me upset, even though I knew it came from a good place).

All this made me feel depressed about my singleness.  However, I may not be married right now or in a relationship, may not get married before 30, but God has done so much in my life that I am thankful for. He is a faithful God. My friend recently told me, that I should praise God more during this season of my life. She’s totally right. I feel like a lot of us only praise God when He has answered our prayers. He has done and is going to do so much in our life beyond our imagination. I literally can’t wait to see what He has in store for my life.

I hope this post will encourage someone. I felt very nervous sharing this. Know that God has a great plan for you. Please don’t compare yourself to others. We all have our own destinies.  “Comparison is the Thief of Joy”
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