Sunday 11 September 2016

Confession of a Single Christian Woman

So I am going to be a bit vulnerable right now. Lately, I have been feeling very down. I hate feeling this way. God has been so faithful; there shouldn’t be anything I should feel sad about.

I have been single for over 5 years now. I decided to concentrate on myself and grow in my relationship with God. I have grown so much in the 5 years. In my opinion, during your singleness you can learn so much and get to know yourself as a person. 

Lately, I have been struggling with my singleness. A lot of people around me are getting married, having children. I am probably not the only one, but when I was younger I used to say that I will be married by 25 and have children by 26. Well, that’s not how it worked out.  I am 27 and single.

I’ve been getting silly thoughts like “You won’t ever have a life partner; you won’t get married before 30 etc.” I would literally feel fear when I had these thoughts and get very sad about it.  I would get very upset when I get comments like you will get married soon. My response to that is always, yeah whatever, as I “didn’t” see it happening any time soon. Or I would get comments like how are you going to meet anyone, if you only stay at home. (These comments used make me upset, even though I knew it came from a good place).

All this made me feel depressed about my singleness.  However, I may not be married right now or in a relationship, may not get married before 30, but God has done so much in my life that I am thankful for. He is a faithful God. My friend recently told me, that I should praise God more during this season of my life. She’s totally right. I feel like a lot of us only praise God when He has answered our prayers. He has done and is going to do so much in our life beyond our imagination. I literally can’t wait to see what He has in store for my life.

I hope this post will encourage someone. I felt very nervous sharing this. Know that God has a great plan for you. Please don’t compare yourself to others. We all have our own destinies.  “Comparison is the Thief of Joy”


  1. That's it ohemaaaaaaa. God's got you boo. Soon and very soon this state will be history and it will be a blog on first year of marriage.

  2. Single at 27 and concerned about the Lord’s affairs in body and spirit. This is beautiful sis. Stay encouraged and continue to encourage many more like myself. The patience and other skills you are gaining in this season will make a major contribution to the purposeful marriage you will have in the future (God's standard that will glorIfy his name and honour him). Thank you for allowing God to use you xxx love Aunjela-Jesuslina x

  3. You are indeed in a better place right now !!! The peace of God is with you and the best place to be right now .
    It's motivating to share this sis . You are indeed brave to post and it will surly motivate someone to keep the faith up and not loose hope xxx


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